Social Committee

Meet People. Have Fun!

New Friends

The Social Committee was started shortly after the Roxbury was opened. It was started to provide owners and tenants with ways to meet and greet new friends. The group offered events like a “Meet and Greet” wine and cheese party, potlucks, the favourite being the “International Potluck” evening. A Christmas Bake Sale too was popular.

We also held very successful barbecues in the spring and the fall. Movie night on Tuesdays was always well attended.

Social Opportunities

To continue the opportunity for newcomers to meet people, we hold a T.G.I.F the last Friday of the month.

For the ladies we have “Stitch and Bitch” on Thursday mornings from 10 until noon and the gents hold a “Morning Coffee Club” on Fridays at 8:00 a.m.

We are looking forward to starting at least some of these events again when COVID-19 protocols lessen. Funding for these events is helped by 50/50 draws at the events as well as by donations from the recycling account.

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